General News

Feeling Serious Video Fatigue? You Can Probably Blame the Presence of Absence
As people across the country participate in an increasing number of video calls per week, a sense of “video chat fatigue” is setting in for many. Sonyia Richardson, clinical associate professor of Social Work, recently discussed the phenomenon for an article published by Kells McPhillips, in the article “Feeling Serious Video Fatigue? You Can […]

Working with Social Distancing
The strong necessary measures to stem the spread of outbreaks like COVID-19 include the practice of “social distancing” and avoiding close contact with others, as well as large gatherings. While effective, this measure also brings challenges, particularly in the area of mental health. UNC Charlotte social work professor Sonyia Richardson discusses the impact of social […]

Dr. Sonyia Richardson Appointed to Assistant Professor
The School of Social Work is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Sonyia Richardson as Assistant Professor for Fall 2020. Richardson is an emerging social work scholar whose research focuses on intersections of social work, urban education, mental health and suicide attempts. She earned her Ph.D. from the UNC Charotte Cato College of Education […]

New Program Offers Opportunities for Future Behavioral Healthcare Leaders
The UNC Charlotte School of Social Work and Cardinal Innovations Healthcare have teamed up to launch the Behavioral Healthcare Leadership Academy, a program for students at UNC Charlotte interested in pursuing leadership-based careers in behavioral healthcare. Through the program, eight UNC Charlotte graduate scholars will participate in monthly development workshops, webinars, and project-based learning opportunities. […]

Film Screening Highlights Filmmaker’s Journey with Multiple Sclerosis
The College of Health and Human Services and School of Social Work recently hosted a film screening of the documentary “When I Walk”, which follows filmmaker Jason DaSilva on a six year journey after being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) at the age of 25. After the film, a Q&A session was held in which […]

VIDEO: Army Veteran Pursues Career Helping Fellow Soldiers Recover
After being deployed on active duty in Afghanistan, Master of Social Work student Cody Walker returned home with mental wounds he says are still healing. Now, with the backing of UNC Charlotte and the Commander F.M. (Mike) Reynolds Veterans Scholarship, he is moving on his own road to recovery by helping fellow veterans navigate theirs.

Free Film Screening to Highlight Emotional and Inspiring Battle with Multiple Sclerosis
Please join the College of Health and Human Services for a free film screening of the documentary “When I Walk”, a look at filmmaker Jason DaSilva’s emotional and inspiring 6-year journey following his multiple sclerosis diagnosis. The film will be shown on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, at the UNC Charlotte Cone Center, McKnight Auditorium, 6:00 […]

Research to Examine Effectiveness of Bystander Intervention for Violence Prevention in At-Risk Groups
A new grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will allow UNC Charlotte social work professor Annelise Mennicke to investigate the effectiveness of a national violence prevention program while receiving valuable mentorship and professional development in the process. Dr. Mennicke’s research will focus on the Green Dot bystander intervention program, one among several […]

University City Program Offers One-Stop Shop for Underserved Children and Families
A small group of children walk out of the Atrium Health University City hospital cafeteria and head directly to the crafts table. Volunteer students from UNC Charlotte’s School of Social Work greet them with smiling faces and art supplies in hand. A loud buzz fills the lobby of as only the voices of young kids […]

New CHHS Dean Named Alumna of the Year by Alma Mater
Catrine Tudor-Locke, dean of the UNC Charlotte College of Health and Human Services, was named the 2019 Alumna of the Year by the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada. “Catrine is an esteemed researcher known worldwide for her work in the field of walking behavior and an excellent example of alumni who have formed the […]